Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meet LUCKY, Canine for Prosperity!

I want to introduce my Peace Pal, Lucky - Canine for Prosperity.

Lucky wanted me to share one of his favorite Faith-Lift's by Rev PAM with you entitled, "I Do What I Love To Do Successfully".

"I do what I love to do successfully.  I let Spirit work in and through me to meet every need, solve every challenge and fulfill my good in expected and unexpected ways.

Because I have surrendered to God's activity, the only power at work in my life, I am fully prepared to graciously accept what comes with every demonstration.  I now, willingly let go, as Infinite Intelligence manifests its perfect work through me.  And So It Is!"

Lucky says:  "To Your Abundant Prosperity!"
I add:  To Your Continued Peace Within for Global, United Peace for All!