Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I am Empowered by the Deep Inner Awareness of Spirit

I am empowered by the deep inner awareness of Spirit that comforts me, supports me and so perfectly guides me.

I do not allow my inner environment to be polluted with unhealthy thoughts or negative speculation.

I am not limited by any past experiences.

I stay steadfast on truth and move forward with calm confidence and the quiet expectancy of a greater good than I have ever known.

I am actively participating in the success of world peace, universal  harmony and economical ease.

I experience life with peace of mind, compassion and love for myself and for human-kind.

I believe, accept and trust that this is the absolute truth, I let it be.

And So It Is!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanks-Living Is a Dash of the Right Attitude

Read Rev PAM's, (my pet guardian), latest article in The Tolucan Times:  http://tolucantimes.info/section/inside-this-issue/thanks-living-is-a-dash-of-the-right-attitude/


I give thanks for being consciously aware that I am One with all that God is.
My recognition of this all-sustaining power brings gratitude and appreciation to myself and to others.
At the Center of my being is a creative spiritual power that attracts love, peace and harmony at all times.
I am continuously prospered in a loving and healthy environment within and without.
I believe in one law, the law of infinite good, and it operates successfully with great intention through all of my actions.
I richly bless all of life.
I am grateful for knowing this Absolute Truth and for trusting it with invincible faith.
For this perfect action of principle, I do give thanks.
And So It Is!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Wishing Everyone
 a wonderful Holiday Season 
filled with 
Harmonious Possibilities, 
Exuberant Inspiration, 
Joyous Wonder, 

Let the barking

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I AM the master success consciousness made manifest by means of my Divine expression.  

I AM always sustained in love, peace, clarity and wisdom.

My powerful life is Spirit's expression of successful living in action.

The Infinite powerfully flows through me in a Divine direction for the good of all.

live in the joyous expectancy of all good NOW!

And So It Is!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I give thanks for all my blessings. I am also grateful for my challenges, because they force me to see opportunities for greater growth. I always strive to maintain my thinking at the summit of consciousness. Divine right action follows me wherever I go. The divine thinker is my total support.

Thanksgiving Is The Reason For The Season Of Abundance!

By living in an awareness of God each day, I can and do experience wisdom. I am never alone, for I am divinely guided along the path of life. Every moment is special and of great value. I achieve balance as I align my human nature with my divine nature and practice my spirituality in everyday life. My good is already present within me and all around me.   I need only to say, “yes” to it.

Thanksgiving Is The Reason For The Season Of Abundance!

With songs of praise, words of thanksgiving and acts of love, I honor the God of my being. As it says in 2 Corinthians 9:8, God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance! God is all giving. I promise to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind. My faith is powerful and I choose to celebrate it and demonstrate complete fulfillment in every area of my life. Harmony, health and well-being blossom within me.

Thanksgiving Is The Reason For The Season Of Abundance!

And So It Is!

Dr. Domenic A. Polifrone
Spiritual Adviser, Emeritus
Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am at one with the one Presence, one Life, one Mind, One Power, God, infinite good.
I have complete faith that only the power of good governs.
This power responds to me and is the only law that governs my life.
Nothing can disturb the manifestation of right thinking.
My constructive thought patterns always manifest in right ways because my mind is one with the mind that created it all. 
This all-knowing mind operates through me peacefully, competently and decisively.
No seeming opposition can sway, influence or distract me from the inner assurance that right forward movement is taking place.
I accept the powerful right action of infinite intelligence, which guides, directs and steadies my every thought with a clear conviction that is grounded in truth.
My recognition of truth fortifies my complete faith in knowing that every endeavor is successfully fulfilled. 
With faith as my anchor and strength, I am able to transcend all appearances of any kind.
I have faith that the power within in me that is greater than I am, is always working and has already made my intentions a reality.
I believe, I accept and I know that this is accomplished and my experience is in alignment with that absolute truth.
In gratitude, I release this and glorify the power that has made it so, and so it is!

A shot of uplift 
without the gun powder...  

Monday, November 21, 2011


I identify myself with success.  
I expect that everything I do prospers.  
All my actions are sustained by the Infinite energy; all the power there is and all the presence there is, is right where I am now.

Every thought, act, and purpose is guided by divine wisdom and the successful achievement of all my good intentions.

I rejoice and give thanks for this knowing, for the satisfaction and fulfillment of it and for the successful action of the Divine provider that meets all my needs.  

This is the absolute Truth about me.  
I release these words into the Law and let it be with complete trust and invincible faith.
And, So It Is!

Mister Bing is Director of SOMSCLA’s Pet Ministry:  www.somsclapetministry.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 20, 2011


The inner Presence of divine love sources all of my actions and empowers me to direct my thoughts and my words with clarity and authority.  It is with confidence and integrity that I am able to detach from the world of appearances and focus my attention and intention on the spiritual truth that sets me free.

Wonders work through me harmoniously and profoundly because I am in partnership with the one infinite mind back of all things. I rejoice and give thanks for this power that governs my life.

And So It Is!

Friday, November 18, 2011


I radiate with the joy and happiness of Spirit as the Presence and Power of good in my life.  This Divine Presence leads me on the pathway of success.  It is right now directing my thoughts, my words and my actions into constructive channels for self expression.  This action puts all my endeavors into positive motion, causing every change to be for the better.  I consistently demonstrate the result of my ever-increasing capacity to experience successful living in my relationships, in my finance, in my health, in my work and in my creative self expression.

Life lives through me as fulfillment and satisfaction in everything I do.  This gift is mine - divine in origin, eternal in its presence and fully available to use.  I now accept this life as whole, compete and perfect.  In full faith and with heart-felt gratitude, I exercise this truth intelligently and responsibly!

And, So It Is!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Get Well Treatment from my Pet Guardian, Rev PAM

I was going to post my favorite Faith-Lift today but I thought I'd upload today's weekly Faith-Lift for everyone's optimum health:


Regardless of any appearance, 
I am the embodiment of God in perfection.

I am radiant health and wholeness functioning as divine energy and strength. I am vital, alive and every function of body is sustained by God Mind. My mind, body and spirit are a blessed trinity working in harmony and balance.

I see with the eyes of God and hear with the ears of God.  Through me runs a healing force of power that maintains an immunity to anything that is unlike the wholeness of God being. The activity of God maintains the harmony of my entire being, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Health is my natural state of being. I am grateful for the full functioning power of Infinite Mind always working in and through me as completeness.

All is well.

I give thanks for this truth being the great reality in my life.

I let it be, and so it is!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Max’s Favorite Faith-Lift: I AM DIVINELY GUIDED

There is one life, that life is God, that life is perfect, and that life is my life now.

I am alive with the power and presence of Divine activity. I am divinely guided.

In recognition of this absolute wisdom, I listen and then act upon its guidance in every way.  This intelligence impacts my thoughts, feelings and imagination.  It operates as the law of my life.  I am forever united with the love, the power and the faith of God.  I experience heaven on earth. 

My way is always made clear.  The law of mind produces my word into constructive action today and every day. I praise myself into a greater good than I have ever experienced.

I accept with joyous expectancy and invincible faith that this is so, and so it is!

Maxine is Vice President of SOMSCLA’s Pet Ministry:  www.somsclapetministry.blogspot.com

Heidi's Favorite Treatment: WORK AND CAREER

The perfect, right position I am seeking, is seeking me.
I feel appreciated wherever I am.
I work in a cooperative and harmonious environment.
I successfully complete every task I am given.
My career is already established and abundantly successful in every way.

Heidi is the Secretary of SOMSCLA's Pet Ministry, www.somsclapetministry.blogspot.com

Lilly's Favorite Treatment: FINANCES

I am prosperous being, being prosperous.
I am wealthy in spirit, body and mind.
The wealth of the universe is mine.
I am the consciousness of abundance.
I now claim my divine heritage.
I am richly supplied in every way.

Lilly Star is the Treasurer of SOMSCLA's Pet Ministry.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Tails

For a heartfelt story of letting go of grief and allowing love to come into your life, read the story about Brandy, Charger, John, and Tim at:  http://www.somsclapetministry.blogspot.com

For stories about animal heroes that go beyond the call-of-duty to help others, and about those that are extraordinary animal peace makers, send your stories to me, Mister Bing, at TheMisterBing@Yahoo.com  

If you have a rescue, heartfelt, fun, or general story to share about your animal pal(s), be sure to send it to me, Mister Bing, at somsclaPetMinistry@Yahoo.com

I'm waggin' to bark-it-forward!

Peace inside spreads Peace outside,
Mister Bing