Saturday, March 31, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

Consciousness is the only power and it always brings forth a continuous flow of potent fulfillment through every action.

Friday, March 30, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

By living in the consciousness of the Eternal Now, 

all of my experiences are joyful, peaceful and loving.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

By living in the consciousness 
of the Divine Presence 
in this present moment, 
all my experiences 
are rich with love, 
joy and harmony.  

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

There is an inner power deep within me where all things are perfect, abundant and harmonious.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

Because of my growing self-awareness, 
I have complete confidence and trust in the law of mind.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

At the Center of my being 
is a 
creative Spiritual power 
that attracts 
love, peace and harmony 
at all times.

Monday, March 26, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

As I surrender to Infinite mind, 
all challenges instantly dissolve.  

Sunday, March 25, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

As I surrender 
to my God-Self, 
I experience 
an ever- increasing 
awareness of 
love, complete faith, 
and a life 
filled with joyous blessings.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

All of life supports 
my willingness 
to authentically 
who I truly am.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

All that I choose to accomplish and to experience for a fuller and more enjoyable life is successfully fulfilled. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

An ever-increasing awareness of 
universal love and intelligence guides my every thought. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

(Bing + Affirmation) = Bingfurmation

All false appearance of separation or division between me and everything else is dissolved.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I am firmly established in principle.  

I know what is right for me.  
I believe in the all-rightness of myself. 

I am not influenced by outer appearances or controlled by what others think or want me to do.  My mind is quiet and alert and responsive to the still small voice of truth. 

I release any desire, need or motivation to judge or criticize myself. I have the right attitude toward myself, about life and the people in my individualized world. 

I believe that God has created me and everyone else as complete and adequate. 
My belief has consistent and full power and is absolutely sufficient for each endeavor.

Divine principle expresses success in me at all times. I put myself wholeheartedly into my work. Each thing I do is accomplished efficiently, affirmatively and in perfect time.

My consistent affirmative attitude coordinates all action and brings harmony and joy to all my experience.  I am the positive action of God Knowing.  

With absolute trust and invincible faith, I give thanks, accepting this to be so now, and So It Is!

Monday, March 12, 2012


I embrace my vision as a reality and live my life accordingly.  

Any limiting thought that could in anyway hinder my creativity is nullified and dissolved immediately. I am always anchored in Truth and remain ‘steadfast on thee.’

My consciousness attracts all that is necessary for the gathering of correct and helpful information through this process. This includes the right blend of individuals whose ideas, intentions and commitment are clearly united and aligned, and harmoniously applied and implemented.

This is an “idea whose time has come” and it has within it a natural forward moving energy that is sustained by a strong  spiritual foundation that supports and benefits the good of all.  I trust with invincible faith that right order, perfect balance and consistent action are now and always taking place. 

I give thanks for this completed demonstration, and So It Is!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I do what I love to do successfully.  

I let Spirit work in and through me to meet every need, solve every challenge and fulfill my good in expected and unexpected ways.

Because I have surrendered to God's activity, the only power at work in my life, I am fully prepared to graciously accept what comes with every demonstration.

I now, willingly let go, as infinite intelligence manifests its perfect work through me, and So It Is!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I identify myself with success.  

I expect that everything I do prospers.  

All my actions are sustained by the Infinite energy; all the power there is and all the presence there is, is right where I am now.

Every thought, act, and purpose 
is guided by divine wisdom and 
the successful achievement of all my good intentions.

I rejoice and give thanks for this knowing, 
for the satisfaction and fulfillment of it 
and for the successful action of 
the Divine provider that meets all  my needs.

This is the absolute Truth about me.  

I release these words into the Law 
and let it be with complete trust and invincible faith. 
And, So It Is!

Friday, March 9, 2012


I am wholeness 
expressing as God-being.

I am complete in the realization that an active power of healing enlightens my every thought, feeling belief and action. My body is the out-picturing of a healthy and harmonious attitude.

The power of faith dissolves all fear in any outer influences. 

  I declare myself as the embodiment of divinity and live in the recognition that this power enhances  my spiritual nature in orderly and peaceful ways.  

I experience only the gifts in every situation and trust  that each demonstration 
strengthens my spirit and surrounds me with the light of truth.

I give eternal thanks for this absolute truth, and So It Is!   

Thursday, March 8, 2012


My mind and body are flexible and agile and work together in unity.

I have strong spiritual legs that support me with wisdom, love and confidence.  Any thought or belief in opposition to the truth of my being, which is wholeness and wellness, is automatically dissolved and deemed powerless. 

I am well.   All is well in my world.  I am free from any past hurts.

I forgive and forget and move forward with calm assurance.  I stand tall planted on holy ground affirming the victory is complete now!  

It is done.   All is well, and So It Is.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I AM the master success consciousness made manifest by means of my Divine expression.  

I AM always sustained in love, peace, clarity and wisdom. 

My powerful life is Spirit's expression of successful living in action. 

The Infinite, powerfully flows through me in a Divine direction for the good of all. 

I live in the joyous expectancy of all good NOW!  And, so it is!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I am one with the presence and power of God, Infinite good.  I am secure in being authentically me.  I am grateful for knowing that I am responsible for all of my experiences.

Both, professionally and personally, I am committed to the divine journey of this wonderful life and willingly release any attachment to the end result.  My consciousness of demonstration always produces right action.
 I believe in the eternal goodness, the eternal loving-kindness and the eternal givingness of life to all.

I give thanks for the perfect manifestation of this Truth.

And, So It Is!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Today, I recognize only the divinity in others and myself.

Divine Love governs all of my relationships and all of my experiences.  
My whole being is immersed in peace and unity.

I attract opportunities and possibilities that are motivated and sustained by Divine Love.  I believe that I am always guided to say and do the right thing because I trust that “Love points the way, and the Law makes the way possible.”

I appreciate the uniqueness that each individual has and I see his or her Godliness perfectly expressed. The power of Divine Love heals and blesses everyone, everything and all conditions. 

An ever-increasing awareness of universal love and intelligence guides my every thought.   There are no barriers to the expression of love. The spirit of love is the only spirit that exists.  Divine Love magnifies that which is constructive, positive and affirmative in my mind and heart.

My life is firmly established in an atmosphere of goodness and Divine Love that is empowering and far reaching.  The loving nature of God is right now expressing as me.

With gratitude, absolute trust and invincible faith, I accept this as the truth of my being, and So It Is!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I am a divine creature, 
big or small, human, animal, 
vegetable or mineral.

I am one with all that life is in all things.  

I recognize that there is only wholeness, only oneness and only eternal life.  I can never be separated from life or from that which creates life. 

As an evolving being, my spiritual path may take many twists and turns that challenge my faith. All of my experiences include spiritual growth and personal expansion.

There is no false growth or detrimental growth, only spiritual growth. Whatever does not belong sheds itself continuously and completely. 

I act with strength and courage, expecting affirmative results from a principle that is limitless. Healing is a normal and natural state that is always maintained and sustained.   

There is no inaction or over-action; there is only whole, complete and perfect right action in body, mind and soul. I am a function of perfect being operating in harmonious alignment and right balance within and without. 

For all of this, I do give thanks, I let this be so, and So It Is!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


The Self that I am fully expresses the creative power of God.  

I experience this powerful truth in all of my affairs. 

My consciousness is forever expanding and unfolding as the divine energy called life and intelligence. This is an all-knowing intelligence that always guides me to positive and successful endeavors with individuals, who are a constructive force for good. 

Anything inconsistent with my good is automatically repelled. I consciously attract and sustain that which is in alignment with the greater vision for the good of the whole. 

There is an abundance of ideas, enthusiasm and inspiration forever coming through me at all times. 

By detaching from worldly pressures, I am spiritually renewed. I peacefully accept the things I cannot change, and change the things I can.  

I think in and with God’s mind as my true identity. 

I surrender to the power within me greater than I am. 

I give thanks for knowing and believing in this divine power and intelligence that is working through me now.  The truth has once again set me free. I let this be and accept that it is done now, and So It Is!

Friday, March 2, 2012


I am one with the mind of God.  
The God-mind that I am 
could never divide 
or separate me 
from my real self. 

My unified being sustains me in peace, poise and power. I relax into the everlasting arms and rely on its presence for balance, harmony and stability. 

I am that which is peace and this peace coordinates all action and saturates every expression in my life. 

I view the world and the people in it as harmonious, wholehearted and immersed in divinity. 

The law that governs my life is the law of good.  Discord is not real and has no place or power in my consciousness. My peaceful thoughts are attracting peaceful relationships and peaceful experiences.  

I am a divine being and divine law responds to me with wonderful demonstrations.  My God awareness immediately dissolves anything false and keeps me in a positive direction, bringing peaceful and joyous results. Every experience functions in perfect divine harmony.  

I am not afraid, discouraged or moved by any seeming opposition. I am a divine expression, who is effectively directed by an all-knowing, infinite intelligence that always empowers and supports right and peaceful action.

With gratitude, absolute trust and invincible faith, I declare this as the truth of my being. I release this to the great law of mind that immediately responds by corresponding, and So It Is!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


There is one presence, one power, one life, God, infinite good.  

I am at one with this all-knowing presence and power.  

Because there is no separation between what created me and me, I have all the qualities of God’s perfection- body, mind and spirit.  I am health, love, beauty, joy, peace, courage and all God-ordained qualities. 

When life offers unexpected opportunities that appear overwhelming, it is to stir up the gifts within me, so that I may have a greater understanding of truth, and discover the limitless potential that I am.  Nothing is given to me that I can’t handle with absolute certainty, courage and trust.

I am grateful for my invincible faith and the ever-increasing strength and determination to forge ahead, in spite of all appearances. 

I know the power of this word now goes forth and manifests for the greater good and well-being of all. Right action is the only action taking place.  I live in an atmosphere of affirmative expectancy, knowing that all is well everywhere.

With gratitude, I release this word of truth knowing, believing and accepting that it is doing its right and perfect work, and So It Is!