Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Nothing is missing in God’s perfect plan for my total fulfillment. The creative process is a moment-to-moment experience, which requires knowing that the law of growth is the law of use. The activity of Mind empowers me with its rich ideas so that I may realize and accept my full potential.

Each thought comes to me with a clear intention and purpose. Fresh and new ideas stimulate me with inspiration and enthusiasm.  I feel a renewed interest and excitement in everything I do. All that I choose chooses me.

God action is always moving through me as harmonious right action. I am fully prepared for every situation. God Mind secures me in confidence and right knowing. This all-knowing Mind in me is decisive and acts swiftly with wisdom and strength.    

I am governed and lead by God action, which provides me with the creative energy to successfully accomplish whatever I set out to do.  I do give thanks for the joyous fulfillment of this completed demonstration, and So It Is!