I am one with the
mind of God.
The God-mind that I am could
never divide or separate me from my real self. My unified being sustains me in
peace, poise and power. I relax into the
everlasting arms and rely on its presence for balance, harmony and stability.
I am that which is peace and this
peace coordinates all action and saturates every expression in my life. I view the world and the people in it as
harmonious, wholehearted and immersed in divinity.
The law that governs my life is
the law of good. Discord is not real and
has no place or power in my consciousness. My peaceful thoughts are attracting
peaceful relationships and peaceful experiences.
I am a divine being and divine
law responds to me with wonderful demonstrations. My God awareness immediately dissolves
anything false and keeps me in a positive direction bringing peaceful and
joyous results. Every experience functions in perfect divine harmony.
I am not afraid, discouraged or
moved by any seeming opposition. I am a divine expression who is effectively
directed by an all-knowing, infinite intelligence that always empowers and
supports right and peaceful action.
With gratitude, absolute trust
and invincible faith, I declare this as the truth of my being.
I release this to the
great law of mind that immediately responds by corresponding,
and So It Is!