Saturday, January 21, 2012


I am an individualized expression of God-being.

I accept this God Self as the power that gives purpose to my life. 

Right knowing controls my thinking, my feelings and my actions. In recognition of the Truth, I am divinely motivated and sustained by constructive ideas. I am my true self, which harmonizes all of my experiences into divine order.

Perfect understanding enables me to appreciate and respect the uniqueness in others.  Without sacrificing principle, I am flexible and cooperative with a clear and definite stand.

I am receptive and alert to opportunities that are in alignment with the good of all.  Any seeming opposition or false belief in a cross-purpose is repelled and dissolved immediately. My energy is focused on accomplishments that are constructive, valuable and useful. I am consciously directed toward the fulfillment of my true God-expression. The successful demonstration of this word is right now established as my experience.

The law of mind is doing its perfect work.  With faith, acceptance and absolute knowing, I believe this to be so.  With heart-felt gratitude I let it be, and So It Is!