Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I declare my independence knowing that I am free to be, 
to do, and to have all that I can accept in mind. 

I am grateful for all of my creative abilities, talents and skills and for the freedom of my unique expression.  

I see each day as a new beginning and as a divine opportunity to live life effectively and lovingly. I am successfully guided to my greatest good  by infinite wisdom and intelligence.

I experience the embodiment of health, wealth and happiness as a divine reality. I depend on principle and invest every moment in spiritual conviction.  I am filled with strength and infinite power that brings joy and fulfillment to every experience. 

My ideas are fresh and new 
and find complete and perfect expression 
in all that I do. 

I give thanks for the complete fulfillment of this truth.  
I embody it, I accept it, I know it, I believe it, I let it be now, and So It Is!