Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I radiate with the joy and happiness of Spirit 
as the Presence and Power of good in my life.  

This Divine Presence leads me on the pathway of success.  It is right now directing my thoughts, my words and my actions into constructive channels of self expression. This action puts all my endeavors into positive motion, causing every change to be for the better.

I consistently demonstrate the result of my ever-increasing capacity to experience successful living in my relationships, in my finances, in my health, in my work and in my creative self expression.

Life lives through me as fulfillment and satisfaction in everything I do.

This gift is mine - divine in origin, eternal in its presence and fully available to use.  I now accept this life as whole, complete and perfect. 

In full faith and with heart-felt gratitude,
I exercise this truth intelligently and responsibly!     
And, So It Is!